Home Welcome Presentation


Life in Sainte-Anne depends on two entities: S.A. "Immobilière Château Sainte-Anne" and A.S.B.L. "Royal International Club Château Sainte-Anne".

“S.A. Immobilière Château Sainte-Anne” owns the estate. Its capital is held by the A.S.B.L., who orchestrates the whole life of the Club.

Some of the “A.S.B.L. Royal International Club Château Sainte-Anne” members are Associate Members and a few others are Honorary Members. The A.S.B.L. is represented at the Annual General Meeting by an unlimited number of Associate Members.

The General Meeting is the sovereign power of the Association. It approves, in particular, the previous year’s financial statements as well as the budget for the coming year.

It elects the Board members for a term of three years. Board members can be re-elected for a single additional term.

The Board elects the President and the General Secretary from among its members as well as a consultative body, the Bureau.

The Board of Directors is invested with the most extensive powers to carry out all acts of administration or disposition which interest the Club. It entrusts the daily management to a General Manager, supported by the Bureau.

S.A. Board of directors

Chairman   Jean-François PUISSANT BAEYENS (2017-2023, 2023-2029)

Thierry GOFFIN (2020-2026)   Michel MARTIN (2015-2021, 2021-2027)
Gérard MARTIN (2018-2024, 2024-2030)   Frédéric PAPEIANS de MORCHOVEN (2021-2027)

A.S.B.L. Board of directors

Chairman   Frédéric PAPEIANS de MORCHOVEN (2017-2020, 2020-2023, 2023-2026)
Vice President   Elisabeth HEINEN (2022-2025)
Secretary General   Alain HENRION (2020-2023, 2023-2026)

Laurence CLERCKX (2023-2026)   Alexis MANNES (2022-2025)
Quentin METZ (2023-2026)   Jean-François PUISSANT BAEYENS (2020-2023, 2023-2026)
Lambert TIMMERMANS (2020-2023, 2023-2026)   Anne VAN BALLENBERGHE (2022-2025)


General Manager   Valérie STROOBANTS


Accounting and Membership Fees   Raphaëlle HANQUET
Communication and Activities   Nathalie de LAMINNE and Angéline ROTSART
Rentings and Associated Clubs   Nathalie BEIRNAERDT
Conservator   Slimane ABDELLAOUI
Parking en Handyman   Claudio VILLALTA VICENTE


The committees are a relay between the members and the staff of the Club.
Consultative, they are composed of members and administrators, volunteers who help the staff in the organization of certain events of our Club.

Conference & International Relations Committee :

Its main role is to generate numerous suggestions of speakers to contact to animate our conferences. It also proposes associated clubs abroad with which we could establish reciprocal agreements.
Occasionally, within this committee, we discuss the travel destinations of the Club.
President : Geoffroy Clerckx
Members : Sophie Velge, Lambert Timmermans, Christine Dupuis, Bernard de Halleux, Frédéric Waucquez, Katharina von Schnurbein, Germano Straniero Sergio, Marie-Noëlle Amory, Elisabeth Heinen

Music Committee :

It gathers members who love classical music and propose the organization of concerts at the castle.
President : Guy de Cordes
Members : Claire van Meerbeek, Carine Mancel, Liliane Raes, Thierry Goffin

Culture Committee :

It gathers art and culture lovers who propose exhibitions, shows, plays, cultural visits in Belgium and abroad.
Members : Christine Swenden, C. Clément de Cléty, G. Ansiau, M. Philippe-Nemry

Sports Committee :

It is composed of tennis & padel players who help the Club to organize competitions and other sports events.
President : Serge van Dessel
Members : Alain Henrion, Pierre van schendel, Loïc Mannès, Daniel Pieters, Roland Caeymaex

Youth Committee :

It is a support to the Club for the organization of activities dedicated to our youngest: children (egg hunt, St Nicolas party ....) and teenagers (rock course, sports and outdoor activities ...)
President : Anne van Ballenberghe
Members : Pierre van Schendel, Caroline Coomans, Emmanuel de Vinck, Caroline Laske

Heritage and Investments Committee :

In close collaboration with the Club's management and the SA immobilière Château Sainte-Anne (owner), this committee manages the investments and embellishments of our buildings and the park.
President : Jean-François Puissant Baeyens
Members : Edouard Croufer, Thierry Goffin, Alexis Mannès, Frédéric Papeians de Morchoven

Ballot Committee :

This committee reviews applications for potential new members.
President : Frédéric Papeians de Morchoven
Members : Caroline Coomans, Yves de Monie, Serge van Meerbeeck, Isabelle Davignon, Thérèse Hellstrom, Volker Löwe, Aldo Longo, Evelyne de Barjac, Alain Henrion